Threat analysis

Threat analysis

Our challenge is to collect, process, correlate and analyze all technical and non-technical information (geopolitical, economic, business, etc.) in order to transform it into actionable (useful) and contextualized (relevant) information.

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Sector report

Information that reflects your image with sectoral reports

Find your business jargon, the challenges, technologies and dreaded scenarios of your sector and their position in the ecosystem of global cyber threats. By prioritizing scenarios specific to your sector, OWN offers you information that can be transposed as is, and integrated into your internal priorities.

A monthly or quarterly cyber threat report dedicated to companies in your sector offering a view focused on the threats, campaigns, actors, techniques and malware that concern you.

Ensure your ISO 27002 compliance

Receive accessible, contextualized intelligence that ensures your compliance with the activities of intelligence, information collection and analysis of emerging threats in the recent ISO 27002 (February 22).

Exclusive information

OWN identifies numerous attack campaigns and malicious actors each month that are not informed by open sources.

Extensive reports

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TTPs and Indicators of Compromise.

PDF sector reports and STIX object flows (campaign, malware, attacker...).

Focus on attacks, malware, actors, and ransomware statistics.

Sectoral dashboard and consideration of sub-sectors.

Don't miss out on the latest news about threats that may affect you.

Ensure compliance with ISO 27002.

Threat Intelligence services for DORA regulations

Are you a financial entity or a service provider to a financial entity? DORA regulations require you to conduct:
Threat-Led Penetration Tests (TLPT).

OWN ensures this phase by implementing:
• a passive external reconnaissance study,
• a “Cyber Threat Intelligence” study consisting of a threat intelligence report (or Targeted Threat Intelligence Report) presenting threats, client exposure and test scenarios.

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Cyber Threat Intelligence

A cyber threat intelligence platform

Request for Intelligence, or RFI, stands for “request for information.” An RFI token gives you the opportunity to request OWN-CERT for various requests for information on cyber threats. Our reports are forensic (sources, timestamp, summary, methodology details).

On-demand intelligence capacity provisioned over the year The acquisition of RFI tokens offers the following advantages:
L’acquisition de jetons RFI offre les avantages suivants :

  • Request OWN at your own pace
  • Take advantage of a single framing phase and free yourself from commercial phases for each request
  • Receive answers to your inquiries as a priority
  • Anticipate by provisioning your needs over the year
  • Ensure your back by equipping yourself with additional capacities on demand via our Work Units
  • Benefit from discounted and advantageous rates
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A cyber threat intelligence platform

Receive your alerts and reports from exposure and CTI monitoring (malware, groups, TTPs...) in a Threat Intelligence Platform. Our partner platform, OpenCTI, provides access to numerous functionalities: alerts, dashboards, digests, etc.

Notre plateforme partenaire, OpenCTI, donne accès à de nombreuses fonctionnalités : alertes, tableaux de bord, digests, etc.

Exposure monitoring

Detect threats to your business with our asset exposure monitoring, data leak detection, credential, and brand protection services. Alerts and assets are modelled in our platform.

  • Preferred sectors
  • Threat model and dreaded scenarios
  • Business challenges, technologies, functions
  • Regular steering committees
  • A PO analyst
  • Internal collection tool
  • CTI sources and databases
  • Public CTI Feeds
  • Networks and peers
  • Identification of campaigns specific to the client's business sector or entity
  • Investigations on opposing operating methods
  • Sectoral trends
  • The collected elements are capitalized in a Threat Intelligence Platform (TIP).
  • They are sent to the customer in the most suitable format: PDF study, spreadsheet, JSON STIX v2.1 bundle...

Our CTI can be consumed on a regular basis: unitary on request, weekly, monthly or over time.

*Request for intelligence & Request for takedown

  • Investigative requests in response to alerts and reports sent.
  • Takedown requests.
  • A dedicated form.

Sectoral expertise

Food and retail - Maritime and transport - Health - Defense - Defense - Banking & Finance - Public sector - Social networks and media - Telecommunications

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